Just 5 links this week but they are all quality ones. I collected more during the week but then pulled some of them. A commenter noticed that I was being especially negative lately and I decided to remove some of the snark. This week I’ve got Gimp tutorials, information about WordPress 2.7, using the WordPress visual text editor, free eBooks, and an article about blogging from Copyblogger.
- 30 Exceptional Gimp Tutorials and Resources – Last week I posted a tutorial for Photoshop and Gimp. Ajith mentioned that he wanted to learn Gimp so I located this list of resources in my bookmarks. If you want to learn all kinds of special effects with this free open source software, this is the place to start.
- 8 Common Sense Tips For Writing Clean WordPress Blog Posts 8 Tips for Using the Visual Text Editor in WordPress. This is an awesome guide and one I know I’m going to refer people to frequently.
- Is Blogging Keeping You Poor – Copyblogger discusses how hard many bloggers work for little reward. Possible solutions are partnerships and delegation.
- 10 Things You Need To Know About WordPress 2.7 Aaron Brazell, from Technosailor, takes a comprehensive look at WordPress 2.7, which is due out at the end of the month. This is the best guide I’ve encountered so far as all of the pertinent information is included in one location.
- 145 MUST READ free business related eBooks A great selection of free ebooks. There is something for everyone here.
145? Wow…I’d love to be able to schedule the time or have quadruple speed reading skills…
Yeah – you have to pick and choose the ones that you are most interested in. I’m glad someone gathered a list of them into one location.
Kim, this links list suggests that you’ve been reading my mind – again!
I’ve downloaded the WP2.7 beta but haven’t yet worked up to installing it, and have installed GIMP but have barely dipped a toe into those murky waters as yet… So now you’ve removed any excuse for further procrastination! Thanks, I think! ;-)
rjleaman´s last blog post – Online Video FAQ for New Nonprofit Managers
Thanks for the Gimp Tutorials! I’ve been meaning to use that more. I’ve used it off and on to do animated GIF’s after the article you posted. Looks like there’s some really cool ones in there.
Jim´s last blog post – 4 Defunct Foods From My Childhood
Thanks for the links (esp the GIMP ones)… Need to also go through the bunch of eBooks as well.
As for the Copy Blogger article, suddenly a lot of people seem to be talking about the partnership model for even blogging and other online ventures. Are recession worries catching up?
The 8 WP posting tips are really good for the beginners…
Hi Kim.
Thanks for setting up my Sunday surfing for me. These look great.
By the way, are you excited for your drive by from MWP? I think your site is terrific, and I’m anxious to see their input. Yikes, did you see this weeks drive by?
Tumblemoose´s last blog post – Should a writer self-publish?
@Rebecca – LOL I should add mind reading to my services page ;-) I hate to admit it but I haven’t installed the beta yet on my staging server and I really need to do that.
@Jim – Great! Make me some custom graphics – mkay?
@Ajith – I think the Copyblogger article is related to the recession and that blogging can be too much work – you have to wear some many hats. By partnering up with someone with different strengths, you can perhaps accomplish more than you can on your own.
I’m glad you liked the links.
@George – I sent you and email because I had no idea what you were talking about but after figuring out what MWP was I went to their site. It’s not me – it’s a site called the Antisocial Social Worker. I don’t know if I have the guts for a drive by.
Well, if you read all of the free eBooks, you really will have some reading to do today ;-)
All I can say is “Wow,” Kim! Your list may be short, but it’s filled with enough to keep me reading for a month! Where do you find the time to locate and read all these things?
Mike Nichols´s last blog post – HONcode Principles: How Anxiety, Panic & Health Complies With Them
@Mike – LOL – I haven’t read all of the Gimp tutorials nor all of the eBooks.
I have an overstuffed feed reader and I catch a lot of links on Twitter. I don’t know when I read this stuff – let’s just say my house is a disaster …
Hi Kim – Thanks for the list and link of the eBooks. I could read 24/7! and now I have something to keep me busy…
Dee Langdon – BloggerNewbie´s last blog post – 3 Steps To Achieving Your Goals
Hi Dee – I love to read too! I’m sure you’re already plenty busy though.
Hi Kim – this collection should keep me happy for a while. Speaking of WP 2.7 tho – when is it coming out? I keep hearing great things about it but it seems to be taking an age.
@Cath – I’m not sure exactly. It was supposed to on the 10th. Now they are saying the end of the month but with the Thanksgiving holiday in the US I’m not sure that’s going to happen.