This week I have libraries, WordPress, polluted cities, Sesame Street, a thesis tutorial and some great videos.
- 12 Lesser Known but Useful WordPress Hacks – Hacks include using custom taxonomies, showing last modified date for a post and inserts ads within RSS feeds.
- Google’s Sesame Street Logos – This week was the 40th Anniversary of Sesame Street and last week Google had a different Sesame Street logo each day. This page has all of the logos that were used in one location. (It pains me to say that I am slightly older than Sesame Street ;-)
- Tapping the Power of the Local Library Anytime Anywhere – An article about all of the resources available at the library. I LOVE the library (and not just because I went to Library School).
- America’s Most Toxic Cities – A list of the most polluted/toxic cities in the United States. 1 is the least toxic but I don’t – I’m not living in Las Vegas. Philly is #36 – that’s terrible!
- The 10 Healthiest Cities for Women (U.S.) – Wow! Fargo is a city? I’m moving there – you betcha ;-)
- Thesis Hooks Guide – A great guide to Thesis Hooks by Dave Wilkinson.
- I Live Without Cash – and I Manage Just Fine – An interesting article about surviving without money. He does have land to live on, which helps. Not all of us have that. But apparently, he needs a shirt ;-)
Game Credits Starring Murray the Talking Skull from Tales of Monkey Island:Lair of the Leviathan. This is how to make game credits so people will want to watch them.
How to wait for the bus
Awesome 7 year old break dancer.
I cant believe San Francisco is considered a “healthy” city! The air quality in the Bay Area is atrocious due to traffic and constant wildfires in California, and the cost of living is enough to give a healthy person a heart attack before the age of thirty. Moving to the northwest gave me a different prospective. I guess its because I was born and raised in the area; I have a different prospective than those who just vacation there. Its a beautiful city though.
.-= Carla´s last blog ..Choices =-.
Hi Carla – Maybe they were using different criteria than air quality. I do know that the city is SO expensive. That’s why I’m going to Fargo – LOL
i read that article about the man living w/o cash. thought it was interesting. yeah, money has no real value, only the value we give it. i still need it though…if we lived as a moneyless society, then i’m down with it. but today, it’s just like air, for some. me.
.-= Natural´s last blog ..Hiatus =-.
Hi Valerie,
And the way society is currently money based he can really only survive using items thrown away by people who are spending money. He’s doing pretty good but is still, in a sense, dependent on money.
As usual my fave part of this post is the videos :)
I can’t wait to show the break dancing kid to my son.
.-= Adrenalynn´s last blog ..The Picture Perfect Meme =-.
Hi Adrenalynn – My daughter loved the break dancing kid – especially because they are the same age :-)
The hook guide should help a LOT of disillusioned thesis users. :)
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..I Want You To Review Me. Part 1 =-.
Hi Dennis – Hooks seem difficult and then all of sudden they begin to make sense. It seems that a lot of Thesis users may be switching to Headway.
I don’t know what that is, I just hear a lot of whining over hooks.
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..I Want You To Review Me. Part 1 =-.
Headway is a new-ish theme. Here is a review of it