It’s the last weekend in October and it’s the last installment of (Anti) Social-Lists for the month. This week there is some WordPress information (what a surprise, huh?), suggestions on reducing the amount of plastic that you use, more photos of poverty, cool photos of the Northern Lights, and a new feature in gmail.
- How To: Move Your WordPress Blog to a New Domain – Kyle, from WP Hacks, provides step-by-step instructions for moving your WordPress blog to a domain. Not something we do frequently, if ever, but very useful to have if the issue ever comes up.
- 10 Ways to Reduce Plastic Consumption – Dave over at The Good Human wrote a great article about ways we can reduce the amount of plastic that we use. If the image of a swirling mass of garbage and plastic in the Pacific doesn’t make you want to reduce your plastic consumption, then I suppose nothing will.
- Installing WordPress on your server – Ian, from 7879 Designs, has written step-by-step instructions for a manual install of WordPress. I was thinking of writing one, and now I don’t have to. ;-)
- Northern Light Photos – A cool set of Northern Light Photos from Flickr. I would love to actually see them someday.
- Poverty: Let’s Make a Difference – Smashing Magazine’s entry for Blog Action Day 08, which I missed last week. The photos are disconcerting and say so much more about global poverty than words can.
- Canned Responses in Gmail – Do you ever have to send the same email over and over or are you asked the same questions frequently? Well, now you can save canned responses in gmail and not have to spend time typing the same thing over and over. To get started, click on the little green flask next to settings on the top right of gmail, enable the feature, save and then start creating them.
Thank you for posting this. These are some really good links, and the Northern Lights pictures are stunning.
Wesley’s last blog post – I need more blogs to subscribe to.
Hi Wesley,
I’m glad you liked the links – I try to use an eclectic mix. I would love to see the Northern Lights. The photos are so amazing that it’s hard to believe that they are real.
I too really enjoyed the Aurora pictures.
And the plastic consumption article was really interesting to read too. I should really cut back on my plastic use and consumption.
Good links. Thanks. :-)
Ron Obvious’s last blog post – The Vice-President is in charge of what now?
Hi Jim/Ron,
Thanks for checking them out. I really want to see the Northern Lights someday. And no more bottled water for you ;-)
Thanks for the post. I particularly enjoyed the WordPress links (just for info sake, no plans to change servers, etc), the Aurora pix (love to see them live one day), and the poverty’s children pix (real faces on the real problem of poverty).
These beautiful children break my heart — makes me feel helpless. But we can all do what we can, and working on poverty locally relieves the feeling of helplessness!
Mike Nichols’s last blog post – What is Mental Health? Living with Health, Wellness and Wholeness
Hi Mike
The pictures of the children really get to me too. They are innocent and have no control over their situation. Helpless is an interesting choice of words – I often feel that way about the world’s problems. That is SO big that I don’t even know where to start. I guess by loving our own children and then looking at what needs to be done in our communities.
Thanks for checking out the links :-)
Hey Kim, thanks for including me!
David’s last blog post – EarthTalk: LED Light Bulbs More Efficient Than CFL’s?
Hi Dave – You’re welcome. It’s a great article.
I don’t use my gmail account a lot, but the canned responses sound great. I’m going to check it out. Thanks.
NaTuRaL’s last blog post – Answering Comments: Obligation, Optional or Off?
Hi Natural – I only use gmail and the lack of templates has been annoying. I haven’t made my canned responses yet but they are going to be very useful.