I want to give a shout-out to some awesome people that have been really supportive and who I am so glad that I’ve met.
These are all people that I only know virtually – I haven’t met a single one of them in real life. Maybe someday I will.
I can’t possibly include everyone so for now I’ve listed 10.
- If it hadn’t been for Siel from green LA girl, I might not have started freelancing. She sent me a message about working on her site when I was still just thinking about it but hadn’t really started yet. Siel has a wonderful site full of green information for the LA area. She also gives away two freebies each week, so if you live in the US you should definitely head over there and check it out..
- Rick, from helpmerick, has a great site with all sorts of computer related tips, recommendations and how-to’s. The information is geared toward beginners but is still really useful. I only met Rick recently but he has quickly become a great online friend and has been very supportive of my abilities and decisions.
- Sommer runs Green & Clean Mom, which is an environmental site with a focus on green parenting. I’m not quite sure how our paths first crossed but Sommer was one of the first commentators on this site, has been incredibly supportive, finds work for me, and has even had conversations with me about more personal issues.
- Vered is the author of MomGrind, a wonderful site about women’s issues, feminism and blogging. Like Sommer, Vered was one of the first commentators on this site. And she was frequently the only commentator. I frequently wonder if I would have kept plugging away if she hadn’t been reading my articles. I’m not quite sure how our paths first crossed but I am so glad that they did.
- Stratos is a programmer and coding wiz. Who else but Stratos would help me with a script problem at 10pm on a Friday night? And since he lives in Greece, 10pm my time is 5 am his time! Stratos and I also share July 20th as a birthday :-)
- Mike is the author of Anxiety, Panic and Health, which is a site about Anxiety and Mental Illness. Mike’s site is well researched and full of useful mental health information. Mike is also extremely supportive and writes the best comments. Apparently around the holidays small children mistake him for Santa Claus. ;-)
- Betsy writes Passing Thru and like everyone else on this list is extremely supportive and encouraging. Betsy and I don’t agree on many things but still manage to have great conversations and respect each other. Recently she visited Philly, my city, and is working on a series of articles about her experiences there.
- Jannie is a musician, a super funny woman, and one of the sweetest people that I know virtually. From time to time I do some work on her site – the first time she paid me via check so she had my address. When my Mom passed away she was the ONLY person, including friends, family and ex-inlaws, who sent a sympathy card. She figured out the chapter books my daughter would love (without even actually knowing her) from the ones her daughter is getting rid of and is mailing them to us. For a great read and even more laughs, visit her blog at Jannie Funster.
- Julie Walraven of Design Resumes is a freelance resume writer, has been visiting this site since the beginning and allowed me to encourage her to begin blogging. She is kind, helpful and sympathetic. When my ex was laid off she even offered to help him get his resume together as he began looking for work. I turned her down on that offer but it demonstrates what a giving person she is.
- Jeff Starr, of Perishable Press, is a designer and WordPress expert. I am awed by his design skills and learn so much from the articles he writes. When he added a link to my site from his, I was shocked and honored. Whenever Jeff comments on one of my articles I feel like I’ve done something right.
I know I haven’t included everyone but I wanted to give recognition to 10 people that have been with me throughout much of this ride, who have been supportive and who have helped boost my confidence. Check out their sites – maybe you will discover something that you like.
Wow Kim thank you so much for all the nice words. I really appreciate this. It has been a nice ride indeed. Keep on posting and you bet we will keep on coming back ;)
stratosg´s last blog post – Lines from “Whose Line”
Hi Stratos – Thanks! I know I’ve mentioned this so many times but I still laugh about the way that we met ;-)
It was a funny way indeed but it turned out nice for all of us. So, it’s just a nice memory ;)
stratosg´s last blog post – No MOTM this month
Wow, Kim, thank you so much. I just love that we’ve gotten to “know” each other! I started reading your blog just before your mom passed, or was it you tweeted it and I saw it? Whichever. I appreciated you putting it out there – gives us a chance to be human. And just to be disagreeable, I think we agree on more things than you think we do. :D
Hi Betsy – Thanks :-) LOL at “just to be disagreeable”. That totally sounds like something I would say …
Ditto on the recommendation for Vered – superb blog and insights are found there.
Barbara Ling, Virtual Coach´s last blog post – Ever wonder what Income Fitness is NOT? Part 1
Hi Barbara – Vered has an awesome blog. And a year ago she was pretty much the only person commenting over here. :-)
What an awesome article. I know you’ve told me about all of these people at one time or another and its really nice that you decided to do this.
And an adorable picture. :-)
Hi Jim – Thanks! I can’t believe how tiny CC used to be. That picture is about a year old now.
Oh my. I’m so glad I was able to support you. One of my biggest regrets about my blogging adventure turning into a business – as much as I enjoy it and find it exciting – is that I just don’t have the time anymore to be as supportive to new bloggers as I used to be.
I’m very glad we met too. :)
Vered – MomGrind´s last blog post – Truth In Advertising
Hi Vered – Thanks! I don’t have as much time to make the blog rounds either – I thought once I started freelancing I would have more time but I actually seem to have less.
Thanks for the mention and you are easy to support because YOU are so supportive (I have a WordPress theme disease). It is funny how even virtually, people can get to know one another and get a feel for that person. It has been great working with you and sharing expertise.
Rick Castellini´s last blog post – Email of the Week – 009
Hi Rick – LOL – It’s WordPress theme therapy. I used to joke when I worked in tech support that I fixed the problem and provided counseling.
“Yes, yes it will be ok if you clear your cache and cookies. I know you don’t want to but sometimes we have to do things that we don’t want to do.” lol
I’ve enjoyed working with you too.
And, I think I found a new theme that I might want to try out when we move to 2.8. When do you think the 2.8.1 release will be out? The theme I’m looking at now is: Cleanr
Rick Castellini´s last blog post – Gmail adds MORE functionality to Labels – Video Tip
Thanks Kim — I’m v. flattered to be mentioned on this list — and I’m also v. glad you started freelancing! I hope it’s a fun and satisfying career for you :)
Siel´s last blog post – Indigenous Designs: Organic, fair trade, handmade fashion basics
Hi Siel – It’s mostly fun – but people are difficult sometimes just like in a real job. I’m much more relaxed, which is a good thing :-) Thanks for helping me get started.
Excellent list. I might not be a “mom”, but I am a dad and I still learn things by reading MomGrind.
Jeff Starr is another blogger who I follow. He’s got some great articles on his site. He also has a new site I’ve been following, called Digging Into WordPress.
Hi John – Jeff is wonderful and a really nice person. They already have some great stuff on the new site and I can’t wait for the book :-)
Oh I love this post and all the words of thanks and gratitude,
I have found some new folks to check out and into and see what they are about and for that I am grateful.
Vered was so supportive when I started out too and I love her posts, and Jannie just picks me up by the ears and gives me a good laugh, she also sends me books and songs – what a dear person
And I am thankful for following you Kim, I don’t always comment but it is fun to find you on twitter and follow through on your leads..You are so smart and capable and good in the IT world.
Thank you for putting out such good and informative posts.
Happy 4th of July too!
Patricia´s last blog post – The Magic WANT!
Hi Patricia,
Thank you so much for the kind words – I really appreciate it and you comment has made my day :-)
Have a great holiday!
Kim, that is just the sweetest shout-out ever. I guess no good deed with you goes unappreciaated, and in such a public forum. Wow, I’m all tingly and such now. Thank you. So much.
YOU mean so much to me too.
Ooo, I’m feelin’ the love today!
Hi Jannie – I think you’re a wonderful person – so thoughtful.
Hi Kim. Although I don’t know all of these bloggers, I do know some and they are definitely great supporters. So this of course means that I would be a fool to not check out the other ones in the list. Cheers!
Davina´s last blog post – Guest Post: Three Shades of Happiness
Hi Davina – The blogs are on a variety of topics – the only common thing
is how great the authors are.
Great to see you have got lot of online friends who are helping you out!
Nihar´s last blog post – June 2009 Blog Traffic & Income statistics
Hi Nihar – Thanks!
It’s awesome how wonderful people can be – even when you only know them virtually. I know I’ve had some tremendous support from virtual friends during rough times. I’ll check out this list & wish you much success in the future.
Reading through the comments, I can’t help but see how people say you are helpful. I know this from experience. You’ve helped me before when there was nothing in it for you – and were a comfort when I had issues with my own mom.
Very happy things are going well & I wish you the best.
.-= Tawnya´s last blog ..My Goals for One Year =-.
Hi Tawnya – I try to be kind and helpful – but I have my moments – I’ve sent
some not so friendly emails recently ;-)
I was able to empathize with what you were going through because I had
just gone through something similar with my Mom. I hope she is doing well.
And now I feel guilty – I still haven’t answered that email – doh!
Hi Kim, I am finally catching up on a summer’s worth of backlogged projects and I know I saw this before but I can’t believe I didn’t say thank you! As a member of the freelance community now, I know you get how difficult it is to stay on top of everything coming at you. In my world with the summer full of Wausau Whitewater, I am always behind. Thank you again for helping me with my blog moving and actually the whole site moving. If you hadn’t helped me move Design Resumes to hostgator.com, then I would have not been confident enough to move Wausau Whitewater over when our old server crashed. Thanks for coaching on the sidelines then too! I will be contacting you again!
.-= Julie Walraven´s last blog ..LinkedIn or LinkedOut =-.
Hi Julie – Thank you! You’ve have always been so gracious and such a positive person – I’m so glad we found each other online :-)