This weekend when we picked up our CSA box at the Farmer’s Market there was an enormous head of broccoli (see photo to left). I have never purchased such a large head nor had so much fresh broccoli in my house at one time. Now we both like broccoli (much more than yellow squash) but there was just so much of it.
I was talking with the kid about it and asked her what I was going to do with so much broccoli. I thought that maybe I should make my broccoli cheddar loaf, which is sort of like a vegetarian meatloaf, but since I’m the only one who likes it, Alex wasn’t thrilled with that idea.
Alex then suggested that I make Broccoli Cheddar Soup, which we both love. I had not, however, made it before – we had only had it at restaurants. So I went hunting for a suitable recipe and made the soup.
Here is the recipe that I used and adapted. I used vegetable stock instead of chicken, added potatoes and added curry powder to give it a little kick. I also used sharp cheddar and garlic cheddar in the soup. (We get cheese in the box each week and I have a backlog of varieties). And, of course, soy milk rather than cow’s milk.
Before adding the milk, flour and cheese.
Cheesy Broccoli Goodness.
Ready to eat
The soup came out great!! Alex really likes it too but did say that she prefers the corn chowder. Oh well, we have a huge pot of it and she’s going to be eating it for a couple of days. And there is still so much broccoli left that I will be making my fave Broccoli Cheddar Loaf.
Cheesy broccoli goodness — I’m drooling :-) I wonder how this would taste if you froze it in small batches? You’d have a quick lunch ready for those days you don’t want to cook. Bet this would be good with some fresh crusty rolls too.
.-= Davina´s last blog ..9. Thyme Out On A Mountain =-.
Hi Davina – It probably would be fine to freeze. I used to do that when I worked a regular job – I would do a ton of cooking on the weekend and freeze it so we had quick and yummy meals during the week.
We had rolls with it – Alex loves bread.
Hi Kim – I had the same idea as Davina about freezing it. The other thing I would do is use it as a sauce for something else. In our house that would be meat of some kind, but I also wonder if it could be baked into some kind of pasta – then you’d have broccoli mac n cheese and Alex might like it better? I have just loved your CSA-related cooking posts throughout the summer. :-)
We have had snow already, so our garden harvests have come to an end. Pete has a wheelbarrow full of pumpkins safely stashed in the garage, and a pot full of young lettuce outside that I’m afraid to check on. He cooked a boatload of squash yesterday and froze the halves on a cookie sheet – he is going to make squash gnocchi with that. (Delicious with maple syrup as a starch).
The temps are supposed to climb later in the week, but I’m not optimistic about salvage. I cut the largest stems from my rose bush yesterday in anticipation of the snow – 4 stems, 25 blooms and countless buds. If I continue talking do you think I can keep winter at bay?
.-= Betsy Wuebker´s last blog ..EARLY SNOW – THE OCTOBER GARDEN =-.
Hi Betsy – Wow! Snow?!? We rarely get snow here before January. Last night was the first night it got chilly and it was still in the 40’s.
I could freeze some of it but I think we will eat it all without a problem – at least I will :-)
I’m not a huge broccoli fan but add cheese to anything and it becomes exponentially better!
Hi Jim – Broccoli is not a favorite with a lot of people. Fortunately, Alex and I both like it. And cheese makes anything yummy. Same with frying ;-)
I can almost smell it!
It looks delicious.
.-= vered | blogger for hire´s last blog ..Inappropriate Halloween Costumes for Kids =-.
Hi Vered – It’s yummy and really filling.
Hi Kim, that’s my son, Dan’s favorite soup and I have a ton of broccoli here that needs using so thanks for the inspiration. Like Betsy, we had snow (having snow actually) right now and this is super early for central Wisconsin but I don’t think it will last and we will have 50’s again later this week.
I miss checking out your blog and I will have to come visit more often if you keep giving great tips like this. (I know you have other great tips about other subjects!)
.-= Julie Walraven´s last blog ..The Blame Game =-.
Hi Julie – I’ve posted a couple of cooking articles this summer because I joined a CSA and was so excited about my box from the farm.
I can’t believe people are already getting snow.
Mmm, that looks so good. I have to laugh at the difference between a family of 2 girls and a family of 6 boys and 1 girl. That head of broccoli would be gone in five minutes here!
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Mondays are for Rambling =-.
Hi Tracy – I know! And since I think Alex eats more than I do I go through food even slower when she’s at her Dad’s house. She is the skinniest kid and she NEVER stops eating … just ask Jim – he’s eaten out with her :-)
It is definitely getting to be soup season around here. I made a big pot of potato and corn chowder yesterday!
.-= George Angus´s last blog ..10 Astounding Rare Book Covers =-.
Hi George – I’m sure it’s much colder where you are than it is here ;-)
The corn chowder we made recently was delicious.
My oh my, Kim. Broccoli Cheddar soup is one of my favorite! Thanks for the great suggestion and I’m going to cook it on this weekend.
Hi Wilson – It’s really good. Enjoy!
Hey Kim,
I love broccoli, and all the cuisines that have broccoli in it. So one thing is really clear that I am going to try it out.
I am not a good cook though, but I can follow the instructions like a chef.
Thanks for sharing this recepie.
.-= Ravi Kuwadia´s last blog ..5 Tips to Becoming a Better Leader =-.
Hi Ravi – If you follow the recipe, you should be fine. I change things around a lot because I don’t usually have all the ingredients listed.