Happy Memorial Day Weekend in the US.
This week I have seed sprouting, sunscreen, twitter, Facebook, and parkour.
- 5 Household Items You Can Reuse To Start Seeds In – Items you can use to sprout seeds. I found a huge pile of mini plastic containers in the trash that I used to sprout mine.
- Study: Many Sunscreens May Be Accelerating Cancer – Well, this makes me feel SO good about trying to do the right thing. I’m starting to feel like I can’t trust anything corporate or government related.
- I Tweet, Therefore I Am… Empty? – An interesting look at social media types tweeting about social media to other social media types ;-)
- Nature Conservancy and BP: a good example of what’s wrong with US environmental groups – While environmental groups argue that they need to partner with big corporations to makes things change, I think it only makes the environmental group less trustworthy.
- Oil Reaches Louisiana Shores – Devastating photos of oil reaching the Louisiana shores. This is from the BP “leak” in the Gulf of Mexico that has been happening for 5 weeks and is turning into one of the biggest environmental disasters in the US. I am so glad that I don’t own a car and that my apartment is powered by renewable energy. Makes me feel a little bit less guilty about this.
- 10 Things You Need To Know About Today’s Facebook Privacy Changes – Facebook has made the privacy settings a little bit better but most things are still opt-out. Here’s a good guide to the changes.
ZombieFit – exercise to prepare you for the upcoming zombie apocalypse. Also known as parkour.
A chase scene from the French film District B13. This clip features David Belle, the master of parkour. It’s a little violent but is still awesome.
They should offer zombie fit in the schools, that would get kids moving!
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Saturday Night Link Up =-.
Hi Tracy – That is a really good idea! It looks like fun exercise too.
I checked the photos in the Louisiana photos link. Very sad. I’m kinda a news junkie, and those photos are the best I’ve seen. I’m afraid this oil spill is going to be with us for several months ahead.
On a slightly unrrelated note (sorta), the links are not opening in a new window. Just thought I would mention that so you do not lose visitors! :)
.-= Colleen´s last blog ..Memorial Day Events Around the Mid Columbia =-.
Hi Colleen – Yeah, I know. I’m very stubborn about opening links in new windows and know that I should change my ways. Personally, I can’t stand it when a link opens in another tab or window – I like to make my own choice to do that ;-) But, I know I am in the minority.